Profile »DrRinesh Chetty

 Personal Details

Title Dr
First Name Rinesh     Send Email
Surname Chetty
Gender Male
HPCSA Reg No Mp0577863
Nursing Council
Bar Council
Law Society

Membership Profile

Membership TypeMember with Registration as a Medico-Legal Practitioner
Date Joined2023-04-12
Available as an Expert Witness?Yes
Available as a Medico Legal Attorney?No
Available as an Medico Legal Advocate?No
Profile VisibilityPublic

Samla Verified Medical Mediator

Samla Verified Medical Mediator?No
Health Sector Commercial Mediator?No
Technical Medico-Legal Mediator (Personal Injury)?No
Technical Medico-Legal Mediator (Clinical Negligence)?No
Name of institution/s in which I was trained in mediation.
Name of authority that has (authorities that have) accredited me as a mediator.
I would like to be invited to observe Medical MediationsNo
I am willing to provide my services free of charge for pilot projectsNo
My normal fees for mediation services per hour R0.00
My normal fees for mediation services per day R0.00

Contact Details

Cellphone Number *** *** ****
Web Address

Social Media

Skype Name
Linkedin NameRinesh Chetty
Facebook NameDr R Chetty orthopaedic surgeons

Work / Business Info

Work Tel No 0318113010
Work Address71 Mackeurtan avenue, Virginia, durban north


Highest Education LevelOrthopaedic surgeon (Medical Degree)
Highest Education LevelMedico-legal Diploma (Diploma)
Highest Education LevelMedico-legal Diploma(Diploma)


  • Surgeon
  • Orthopaedic Surgeon
  • Academic
  • Mediation in Motion

Additional Info ...

Fields of InterestMedical negligence mediation
Surgical related cases
Criminal medical negligence
Medical investigation
Short CV  

Dr Rinesh Chetty
Spinal and Orthopedic surgeon
MbChb (ufs) HDip.Ortho (ukzn) Fc.Ortho (ukzn) Cert.Medical Education (Cardiff)

Medical Negligence investigator and mediator
Cert.Medical law (uct) Cert.Medical Mediation (uct)


Rinesh Chetty is a practicing orthopaedic and spinal surgeon based at City Hospital in Durban, South Africa. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of the Free Sate in 2002 and prior to his diploma and fellowship in 2010, He worked as a forensic medical examiner for the Hampshire constabulary and as a chief medical officer based at the university hospital of wales accident and emergency unit in Cardiff, (U.K).     

He completed certificates in medical law and medical negligence mediation through the university of Cape Town’s school of law. 

He is a part-time undergraduate lecturer and postgraduate clinical skills instructor based at the University of Kwazulu natal Medical school and Samla, having obtained his certificate in Medical education through the university of Cardiff.  

Beyond his primary capacity as a clinical practitioner in private practice, he regularly consults and advises on civil as well as criminal medical negligence cases, as a medical negligence investigator for either party.

He has had numerous medical negligence interactions, debates and educational workshops with legal committees, media organizations and clinical societies nationally and internationally. He has a special interest in improving understanding, communication and education across the journalistic, legal and medical professions for the betterment of healthcare workers rights, patient care and clinical outcomes. 

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