Profile »MrsChanel Van Niekerk

 Personal Details

Title Mrs
First Name Chanel     Send Email
Surname van Niekerk
Gender Female
HPCSA Reg No PS 0137316
Nursing Council
Bar Council
Law Society

Membership Profile

Membership TypeNon-Member
Date Joined2017-11-08
Available as an Expert Witness?Yes
Available as a Medico Legal Attorney?No
Available as an Medico Legal Advocate?No
Profile VisibilityPublic

Samla Verified Medical Mediator

Samla Verified Medical Mediator?No
Health Sector Commercial Mediator?No
Technical Medico-Legal Mediator (Personal Injury)?No
Technical Medico-Legal Mediator (Clinical Negligence)?No
Name of institution/s in which I was trained in mediation.
Name of authority that has (authorities that have) accredited me as a mediator.
I would like to be invited to observe Medical MediationsNo
I am willing to provide my services free of charge for pilot projectsNo
My normal fees for mediation services per hour R0.00
My normal fees for mediation services per day R0.00

Contact Details

Cellphone Number 0847772839
Web Address

Social Media

Skype Namechanelck5
Linkedin Namechanel van niekerk
Facebook Namechanel

Work / Business Info

Work Tel No 0847772839
Work AddressBryanston


Highest Education LevelMCom Industrial Psychology (Master's Degree)
Highest Education LevelHons Industrial Psychology (Honours)
Highest Education LevelHons Industrial Psychology(Bachelors)


  • Industrial Psychologist

Additional Info ...

Fields of InterestAssessment Centre's
Psychometric Testing
Recruitment and Selection
Talent Management
Medico Legal
Short CV  
Chanél is an industrial and organizational psychologist with 10+ years of corporate consultancy experience in capability assessment and human resource development. Chanél started her career in a family-owned business in 2005, specializing in training and development design and development. Since then, she extended her global knowledge and experience on human resource practices and industrial-organizational psychology interventions, where she has worked on complex projects both in the public and private sectors in South Africa, South East Asia, and the MENAP region, including the GCC. Her portfolio extends over all tiers of job levels as well as diverse industries including automotive, agriculture, finance, and mining industries. Chanél’s expertise lies in the analysis and development of human potential and talent identification, and she possesses extensive consulting experience in capability assessment, psychometric testing, talent management, succession planning, training and development, recruitment and selection, and business development. Capability Assessment: MENAP, 2016-2020:, Designed and implemented a 4-year development center for 400+ candidates across the MENAP region including the GCC for a premium luxury automotive brand. GCC, 2010-2014: Identified T&D needs for 200+ automotive sales and after-sales professionals through assessment centers between Al-Ain, Dubai, Kuwait, and Qatar. GCC, 2010-2014: Designed and executed a management assessment center and leadership development intervention for 100+ managers between Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jordan, and Qatar. Talent Management: RSA, 2014-present: Conducted succession planning, competency modeling, success profiling, talent matching, and job analysis for selection and development purposes with various clients in South Africa. RSA, 2012-2014: Developed and deployed a recruitment and selection strategy for a premium automotive brand to attract the right talent and recommend suitable candidates. Corporate Training: UAE, 2010-2015: Designed and developed training material used for management development in Leadership & Development, Management Basics, Recruitment & Selection, Strategy & Marketing, KPIs & Processes. RSA, 2005-2014: Designed and delivered training programs for various clients in the agriculture, mining, finance, and automotive industries in various topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Behavioral Modeling, Conflict Management, Professional Selling, Professional Sales Coaching, Customer Relationship Management, Problem Solving, Managing Up, and Time Management. SEA, 2005-2008: Designed, developed, and co-facilitated Change Management and Sales Process trainings for a client in Malaysia, Singapore, and China. RSA, 2005-2008: Led the In-Depth Assessment Process and Training (IDAPT) intervention for a client, with analyses of the operational functioning and processes internally compared to external standards required, to identify gaps and recommend and implement training.

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